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Definition: a tiny robot at the nanometer scale, can be made of carbon atoms (1)
Nanorobot in the bloodstream
(Image 1)
Smaller than a human hair (Image 3)
Nanorobot attached to a specific cell type (Image 4)
Nanorobot in the bloodstream
(Image 1)
Nanorobots can work at the "atomic, molecular, and cellular level to perform tasks in the both the medical and industrial fields". Before, nanorobots have been the "stuff" of science fiction. However, scientists have already started to design these tiny machines in reality.
The field of nanomedicine holds an amazing as well as a realistic future for nanorobots. (1)
Nanorobots offer an alternative to chemotherapy, which is a "traditional" treatment to kill cancer cells while causing many terrible side effects. These include but are not limited to: killing healthy cells, depression, fatigue, hair loss, and other symptoms. When prescribed, nanorobots can be injected into a person's bloodstream, and can kill cancer cells individually, leaving no damage to the healthy cells.
Nanorobots also may not cause an immune response due to thier "super-smooth" surfaces. A team of nanorobots can work at different parts of the body and send communication signals to "keep track of all of the devices in the body". This also helps doctors to monitor the progress in the patient's body and change the "instructions" of the nanorobots to move somewhere else and change the function. (1)
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