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Definition: Manipulation and formation of man-made "nucleic acid-based" strucutres  (1)

DNA Nanotechnology


DNA, till the beginning of DNA Nanotechnology, has only been identified as the "carrier" of genes and hereditary materials. But DNA based nanotechnology is all about using this unique, natural material to make other materials.

The three main reasons why DNA is so appealing to scientists are:

1. It is a "natural nanoscale material"

2. Techniques for studying DNA have             already been developed

3. It can carry hereditary                                  information (2)

DNA conformation is very predictable and "programmable", which is exactly why scientists have been able to create "designer DNA architectures" (as shown above)

This is a DNA-based nanostructure that could be "the heart of tomorrow's computers" 


  • DNA structures can help create "disease targeting units for diagnostics and therapeutics"

  • DNA computing can help identification of many different disease markers

    • ​this will help increase "drug delivery specificity"

    • Any invaders, including cancer markers, can be analyzed ahead of time

  • Introduction to an "artificial immune system" (3)



  • At the nanoscale level, working in three dimensions is extremely difficult

  • The high chances of errors and mistakes with harmful outcomes

  • Developing useful applications with DNA computers is difficult

    • For example, scientists have been unable to make a DNA computer that can function in cells

  • DNA has a negative charge that impedes with electronic devices (4, 5)

To learn more about the opportunities and challenges associated with DNA Nanotechnology, visit the following page:

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